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Yoga Newsletter |
The yoga newsletter is available in PDF format. Choose from the list below. | |
Issue 134 December 2020 | YOGA THERAPY - Stuck on the sofa syndrome? |
Issue 133 November 2020 | YOGA THERAPY - Improve the functioning of your shoulder girdle, neck and upper back. |
Issue 132 October 2020 | YOGA THERAPY - Strengthening the immune system - Part II |
Issue 131 September 2020 | YOGA THERAPY - Strengthening the immune system - Part I |
Issue 130 March 2020 | YOGA THERAPY - Helving to solve lower back pain |
Issue 129 February 2020 | YOGA THERAPY - Unlocking the hip flexors |
Issue 128 January 2020 | YOGA THERAPY - Improving movement in the hips |
Issue 127 December 2019 | YOGA THERAPY - The shoulders and stretching |
Issue 126 November 2019 | YOGA THERAPY - Forearm strength and fracture prevention. |
Issue 125 October 2019 | YOGA THERAPY - Proprioception balancing postures. |
Issue 124 September 2019 | YOGA THERAPY - The importance of balancing postures. |
Issue 123 June 2019 | YOGA THERAPY - The importance of your upper back and thoracic spine |
Issue 122 May 2019 | YOGA THERAPY - Postures for the hips |
Issue 121 April 2019 |
YOGA THERAPY - Balancing
the chakras The seven chakras |
Issue 120 March 2019 |
YOGA THERAPY - Balancing
the chakras The seventh chakra - SAHASRARA |
Issue 119 February 2019 |
YOGA THERAPY - Balancing
the chakras The sixth chakra - AJNA |
Issue 118 January 2019 |
YOGA THERAPY - Balancing
the chakras The fifth chakra - VISUDDHA |
Issue 117 December 2018 |
YOGA THERAPY - Balancing
the chakras The fourth chakra - ANAHATA |
Issue 116 November 2018 |
YOGA THERAPY - Balancing
the chakras The third chakra - MANIPURA |
Issue 115 October 2018 |
YOGA THERAPY - Balancing
the chakras The second chakra - SVADHISTHANA |
Issue 114 September 2018 |
YOGA THERAPY - Balancing
the chakras |
Issue 113 June 2018 | YOGA THERAPY - Yoga for osteoporosis - Part 3 |
Issue 112 May 2018 | YOGA THERAPY - Yoga for osteoporosis - Part 2 |
Issue 111 April 2018 |
YOGA THERAPY - Yoga for osteoporosis |
Issue 110 March 2018 |
YOGA THERAPY - One more about the knees |
Issue 109 February 2018 | YOGA THERAPY - More about the knees |
Issue 108 January 2018 | YOGA THERAPY - Why is there an increase in osteoarthritis of the knee? |
Issue 107 November 2017 | YOGA THERAPY - Yoga postures for the PSOAS MUSCLE (hip flexors) |
Issue 106 October 2017 | YOGA THERAPY - Yoga postures to practise at home Part 4 |
Issue 105 September 2017 | YOGA THERAPY - Yoga postures to practise at home Part 3 |
Issue 104 June 2017 |
Yoga postures to practise at home Part 2 - Sitting |
Issue 103 May 2017 |
Yoga postures to practise at home Part 1 - Standing |
Issue 102 April 2017 |
Yoga postures to spring clean your body |
Issue 101 March 2017 |
YOGA THERAPY - Creating inner space
for backbends |
YOGA THERAPY - Creating inner space
for twisting postures. |
Issue 99 January 2017 |
YOGA THERAPY - Creating inner space |
Issue 98 December 2016 |
YOGA THERAPY - Forward tipped pelvis. |
Issue 97 November 2016 |
YOGA THERAPY - Strengthening the core. |
Issue 96 October 2016 |
YOGA THERAPY - Back to basics for a
new season part 2 |
Issue 95 September 2016 |
YOGA THERAPY - Back to basics for a
new season |
Issue 94 June 2016 |
YOGA THERAPY - Improving movement in
the shoulders |
Issue 93 May 2016 |
YOGA THERAPY - Improving movement in
the hips |
Issue 92 April 2016 |
YOGA THERAPY - The Knees continued |
Issue 91 March 2016 |
YOGA THERAPY - The Knees |
Issue 90 February 2016 |
The importance of your upper back and thoracic
spine |
Issue 89 January 2016 |
YOGA THERAPY - 12 minute yoga sessions
to strengthen your bones |
Issue 88 December 2015 |
YOGA THERAPY - Preventing falls |
Issue 87 November 2015 |
YOGA THERAPY - Stretch and strengthen
your hamstrings safely |
Issue 86 October 2015 |
YOGA THERAPY - Soften the knees |
Issue 84 June 2015 |
YOGA THERAPY - Digestive System
(Part 2). |
Issue 83 May 2015 |
YOGA THERAPY - Digestive System
(Part 1). |
Issue 82 April 2015 |
YOGA THERAPY - Heart and Circulation
(Part 2). |
Issue 81 March 2015 |
YOGA THERAPY - Heart and Circulation
(Part 1). |
Issue 80 February 2015 |
YOGA THERAPY - Strengthening the back. |
Issue 79 January 2015 |
YOGA THERAPY - Moving into postures
with the breath. |
Issue 78 December 2014 |
YOGA THERAPY - Health benefits of
restorative yoga. |
Issue 77 November 2014 |
YOGA THERAPY - Boosting your immune
system. |
Issue 76 October 2014 |
YOGA THERAPY - The changing of the
seasons. |
Issue 75 September 2014 |
YOGA THERAPY - Your inner strength |
Issue 74 June 2014 |
YOGA THERAPY - Yoga for osteoporosis
Part 6 |
Issue 73 May 2014 |
YOGA THERAPY - Yoga for osteoporosis
Part 5 |
Issue 72 April 2014 |
YOGA THERAPY - Yoga for osteoporosis
Part 4 |
Issue 71 March 2014 |
YOGA THERAPY - Yoga for osteoporosis
Part 3 |
Issue 70 February 2014 |
YOGA THERAPY - Yoga for osteoporosis
Part 2 |
Issue 69 January 2014 |
YOGA THERAPY - Yoga for osteoporosis Part
1 |
Issue 68 December 2013 |
YOGA THERAPY - Why Yoga keeps you
healthy Part 4 |
Issue 67 November 2013 |
YOGA THERAPY - Why Yoga keeps you
healthy Part 3 |
Issue 66 October 2013 |
YOGA THERAPY - Why Yoga keeps you
healthy Part 2 |
Issue 65 September 2013 |
YOGA THERAPY - Why Yoga keeps you
healthy Part 1 |
Issue 64 June 2013 |
YOGA THERAPY - Bringing it all together |
Issue 63 May 2013 |
YOGA THERAPY - It's time for
abdominals |
Issue 62 April 2013 |
YOGA THERAPY - Benefits of twisting
postures |
Issue 61 March 2013 |
YOGA THERAPY - Benefits of balancing
postures. |
Issue 60 February 2013 |
YOGA THERAPY - Benefits of standing
postures. |
Issue 59 January 2013 |
up your joints |
Issue 58 November 2012 |
YOGA THERAPY - Calming the mind |
Issue 57 October 2012 |
YOGA THERAPY - Helping The Digestive System |
Issue 56 September 2012 |
THERAPY - Straightening the Upper Back |
Issue 55 June 2012 |
YOGA THERAPY - Opening the shoulders |
Issue 54 May 2012 |
YOGA THERAPY - Twisting postures |
Issue 53 April 2012 |
Issue 52 March 2012 |
Issue 51 February 2012 |
YOGA THERAPY - How Yoga Can Heal Your Body |
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YOGA THERAPY - Lower back pain |
Issue 49 December 2011 |
YOGA THERAPY - Sciatica |
Issue 48 November 2011 |
Issue 47 October 2011 |
YOGA THERAPY continued. Inversions |
Issue 46 September 2011 |
YOGA THERAPY continued. Developing a home
practice - staying young |
Issue 45 June 2011 |
YOGA THERAPY continued. Working on the Psoas -
pulling the drawstring and Zipping-Up. Postures to Work the
Abdominals and Lengthen the Psoas. |
Issue 44 May 2011 |
YOGA THERAPY, Asanas to Help Relieve
Issue 43 April 2011 |
Bringing it all together: Feet, Knees, Hips,
Abdominals, Shoulders and arms. Posture of the Month: SALABHASANA (Locust
posture) |
Issue 42 March 2011 |
Strengthening shoulders and arms, Posture of the Month: VASISTHASANA (side
plank posture) |
Issue 41 February 2011 |
Strengthening Your Abdominals, Posture of the
Month - PARIPURNA NAVASANA the boat posture |
Issue 40 January 2011 |
Moving up the body to the hips, Posture of the Month: EKA PADA
RAJAKAPOTASANA - One-Legged King Pigeon Posture |
Issue 39 December 2010 |
Consider the Knees, Posture of the Month:
Issue 38 November 2010 |
Yoga From The Feet Up, Posture of the Month:
Issue 37 October 2010 |
Yoga protects the brain from depression,
Posture of the Month: UTTANASANA Intense forward stretch |
Issue 36 September 2010 |
Strength and Stability, Posture of the Month: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
(Bridge) |
Issue 35 June 2010 |
Repetitive Stress Injuries, Posture of the
Month: Gomukhasana-Cow Face |
Issue 34 May 2010 |
Strengthen Your Upper Body, Arms and Shoulders.
Posture of the Month: Dolphin Plank |
Issue 33 April 2010 |
How To Improve Your Posture, Posture of the
Month: Malasana I and II (the garland posture) |
Issue 32 March 2010 |
The importance of stretching, Posture of the
Month: Utthita Parsvakonasana (the extended side stretch posture.) |
Issue 31 February 2010 |
The art of letting go (Continued), Posture of the Month: Virabhadrasana II.
Issue 30 January 2010 |
Relaxing into postures, Posture of the Month: Baddha Konasana (Fixed Angle
Posture) |
Issue 29 November 2009 |
Strengthening Your Abdominals, Posture of the
Month : Jathara Parivartanasana Stomach twist. |
Issue 28 October 2009 |
Yoga For Stress. Posture of the Month : Savasana (Corpse Posture) |
Issue 27 September 2009 | Yoga in Everyday Life The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. Posture of the Month :Bhujangasana I (Cobra Posture) |
Issue 26 June 2009 |
What is Yoga? - Part 6 Dharana, Dhyana and
Samadhi. Posture of the Month Parivrtta Parsvakonasana |
Issue 25 May 2009 |
What is Yoga? - Part 5 Pratyahara. Posture of
the Month Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana |
Issue 24 April 2009 |
What is Yoga? - Part 4 Pranayama. Posture of
the Month Bakasana |
Issue 23 March 2009 |
What is Yoga? - Part 3 Asana - Posture of the
Month Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Up dog) |
Issue 22 February 2009 |
What is Yoga? - Part 2 - Posture of the Month
Adhomukha Svanasana (Down dog) |
Issue 21 January 2009 |
What is Yoga? - An introduction to the eight
limbs of yoga. Posture of the Month Uttanasana (Intense forward stretch) |
Issue 20 November 2008 |
do we dislike certain postures? Posture of the Month Ustrasana (Camel
posture) |
Issue 19 October 2008 | Yang Yoga, Posture
of the Month Virabhadrasana III (warrior III) |
Issue 18 September 2008 |
Yin Yoga - the ancient, and some say original,
form of asana practice. Posture of the Month Janu Sirsasana (Head on
knee) |
Issue 17 June 2008 |
Forward bends, The Importance of Feet, Posture
of the Month Paschimottanasana (intense back stretch) |
Issue 16 May 2008 |
Is yoga enough to keep you fit? Posture of the Month Garudasana |
Issue 15 April 2008 |
TWISTING POSTURES, Posture of the Month Parivrtta Trikonasana |
Issue 14 March 2008 | Open your heart,
Feel the love, Posture of the month - Marychasana I |
Issue 13 February 2008 | Taking the mistery
out of meditation, Posture of the Month Trianga Mukhaikapada
Paschimottanasana (three parts of the body stretch) |
Issue 12 January 2008 |
Importance of
relaxation -Viparita Karani, Savasana, Posture of the month - Upavista
Konasana. |
Issue 11 December 2007 |
Christmas - tips to keep your stress levels
under control, Water - How much should you drink. Posture of the month -
Prasarita Padottanasana. |
Issue 10 November 2007 |
Heart and circulation, Cold Extremities,
Improving the Circulation in Your Feet, Posture of the month Ardha
Chandrasana (Half Moon) |
Issue 9 October 2007 |
Abdominal and
back muscles, Posture of the month - Navasana, How Yoga can change Your
Mood. |
Issue 8 September 2007 |
Yoga Home
Practice Useful Tips, Posture of the month - Virabhadrasana I,
Importance of Hip Opening. |
Issue 7 July 2007 |
Yoga Practice,
Posture of the month -Pranayama, Parsvottanasana, Nadi Sodhana. |
Issue 6 June 2007 |
Ruth White Karuna
Yoga, Benefits of Back Arching, Parsvakonasana, Book recommendations. |
Issue 5 May 2007 |
Benefits of
Twisting postures, Posture of the month - Marichyasana III, Know Your
Limitations Relax and Breathe, How to Strengthen The Mula Bandha. |
Issue 4 April 2007 |
Yoga for
sciatica, Posture of the month -Sun Salutation. |
Issue 3 March 2007 |
Yoga for
digestion, Posture of the month -Vrksasana, Relax your way to a slimmer
body. |
Issue 2 February 2007 |
Yoga for Stress, Neck Exercises, Posture of the Month Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior posture 2), Force vs. Feeling |
Issue 1 January 2007 | What is Iyengar yoga, Common questions asked by new yoga students, Weekly stretching routine, Posture of the month - TRIKONASANA (Extended Triangle Pose), 10 ways to get more out of your yoga class |
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Lynne's health newsletter is available from www.optimumhealth.co.uk |